華美校 04-2327-1111
Group Japanese Communication Classes (Daily Talks)
<Small Classes of 2-5 people>
[一橋慶應的團體班] [Group Classes at Hitotsubashi- Keio]
一橋慶應的團體班,實行小班制(2至5人) The Group Class at Hitotsubashi-Keio Academy
,因為班級規模小,老師和學生之間的距 is small, about 2-5 people.
離很近,每個學生都能詳細聽到老師的聲 Each student can listen to the teacher's voice
音,而且有很多關於日文的疑問,都能更 in detail and learn a lot about Japanese.
加快速得到解答,學習效率非常之好。 Our teachers can answer more quickly
老師也能配合學生的程度進行教學, and learning efficiency is very high.
使的學習效果非常的高。 Teachers can also cooperate.
(小班制) (Small class size)
(100倍學習效果) (100 times learning effect)
[課程內容] [Course Contents]
以初級50音為開端,增進自己的日語 Beginners start with the 50 sounds,
能力,從學習生活中實用的日語, improve their Japanese language skills,
循序漸進日常會話、社會時事、 and learn practical Japanese in daily life.
更進一步的討論各個有興趣的領域, Through step-by-step daily communication,
進行綜合性的日語教學,培養能夠 social current affairs and further discussion
應對各種話題的能力。 on various areas of interest,we provide
a comprehensive Japanese language
education and develop the ability to
deal with a variety of topics.
[適合對象] [Target audiences] THOSE WHO
想正確使用日文的人 want to use Japanese correctly
想在日本生活必須學習日文的人 want to live in Japan
想學習日本文化的人 want to learn about Japanese culture
想更精進自己日語能力的人 want to improve their Japanese language skills
想去日本就職進學的人 want to work and study in Japan
[程度] [Level of Students]
初級~高級 Beginner to Advanced
[使用教材] [Textbooks]
できる日本語(初級) "Dekiru Nihongo (Beginner)"
できる日本語(初中級) "Dekiru Nihongo (Junior to Intermediate)"
できる日本語(中級) "Dekiru Nihongo (Intermediate)"
「できる日本語」 "Dekiru Nihongo" aims to help students
是以能用日語溝通為目標 communicate in Japanese.
「能表達自己的想法」 These are the textbooks that aim to
「傳達與交流」,為目的的教科書。 develop the ability to communicate.
交流最重要的,不只是單字, The most important thing in
是如何使用自己所知的詞彙。 communication is how to use
以上是「できる日本語」注重的, the words you know.
[學費介紹] [Tuition fees]
1.分為團體班及個人班 1. There are group and private classes.
2.若是購買的契約期間越長 2. The longer the contract period,
則折扣越多。 the greater the discount.
3.購買超過一年的契約時數 3. There are special discounts for the
則另有特別優惠 contract of one year or longer.
詳情請向櫃檯諮詢。 Please contact the front desk for details.
4.學費以現金或匯款支付 4. Tuition fees are to be paid by CASH
無刷卡服務。 or BANK TRASFER.
Credit card payments are NOT required.